Tuesday 4 September 2012

Speed Painting - "Johnny Buzati"

1hr 30 minutes.

Used a few different source images for this, mainly this guy:

An extra from the "Gangam Style" video, that has taken the internet by craze. I really liked how obnoxious the character was and I started spinning a story around the character the instant I saw him. The extra is played by a Korean comedian called Yoo-Joe-Seok.

Johnny Buzati is the spoilt nephew of a well known 'mafia' boss. He comes from a powerful family, but he is a spoiled and spineless character. He commands some power because of his family ties, but none of his 'men' respect him. 

He has probably yelled 'do you know who I am?!' at more than one point in his life. He has connections to A-list burnouts who mostly employ his company for social benefits (drugs and whores).

He will do inevitably do something stupid and he will be brutally murdered, his family will most likely look the other way.

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